Issues that Matter:


“Fuzzy Borders, Questionable Sovereignty:
Russia's Intervention in Ukraine”

Dr. Maxine David, University of Surrey
Thursday, July 2 2015 at 5:00PM, Classroom 8, 4th floor, Faculty of Media and Communications (open to the public)

In 2005, it was said that the EU constitutes ‘a distinctive geo-political area where the most dangerous elements of international relationships appear to have been suspended for the duration’ (Hill & Smith, 2005: 8). Ukraine’s attempts to join that area have foundered on the rocks of divisions at home and opposition abroad and whether it can any longer be considered a sovereign state at all is a highly arguable point. Russia has denied Ukrainian sovereignty on the one part while the West, in failing to fulfil its obligations under the Budapest Memorandum, has failed to defend it on the other. In this talk, Dr Maxine David will consider the interplay of the local and the global on Ukraine today. Drawing on insights from past research on post-imperialist, globalising societies, she will argue that Ukraine’s way forward so far has been imagined in only the narrowest of ways. What is required is a mapping of possibilities that reflect Ukraine’s - and Europe’s - transitioning situation and in which both the modern and the post-modern worlds can be seen as casualties rather than solutions.



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